Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Oley Valley Farms Pig Roast (Sept 30, 2006)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave McCarthy [mailto:mccarthy2020@comcast.net]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 1:32 PM
To: Mary McCarthy; Betsy; Maureen McCarthy
Cc: David J. McCarthy; Greg Diamond; Kate; Mike McCarthy; Katharine
McCarthy; Erica Alt; Amy and Socrates Zapata; Jon and Tiffany Lang; Greg
Diamond; kate diamond; Jim Diamond; Beth and Jim Alt; Kathleen Lang
Subject: OLEY VALLEY FARMS - PIG ROAST (9-30-2006)

Dear Family -

Here are some pictures from the Klines' annual pig roast. They invited around 250 (friends, neighbors, relatives & employees) and about 150 showed up, probably due to the cool, drizzly weather. Yachai, Michael, Patrice & I attended and had a wonderful time. Lots of food, drink, music, and later a bonfire and fireworks. We didn't stay for those, but Michael & Patrice did. The band was great - kind of BB King-style blues and was fronted by the talented platinum-haired singer you see in some of the pics.

Kathy - have a great trip; we look forward to your stories when you return

Love, David

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Stretching Things for July 4

OK. These are "summer pictures", not really July 4. And they are from summers past. But I hope they might be interesting.

This was a picnic, celebration 2 years ago to dedicate a Holocaust memorial near the Rose Garden in Portland. Jim was part of a small group of singers on the occasion.

This is a colonial house near Uncle Michael's which I took probably 2 years ago to send to you for an earlier request for photos of US homes. Perhaps I sent it earlier. It seems like a good July 4 photo, though...?

This is the porch at Yellow House, another good July 4 destination. This was 1 year ago and the occasion was PopPop's birthday, an extended celebration. There was also cake, etc, at Old Wyomissing Rd.
And this is you know who also about 1 year ago. We drove Dad to see the rapids on the Lehigh River (I hope I have that right). Something I never knew existed in Penna. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th everybody

For some reason it's not a holiday out here in the Tokyo suburbs. Go figure. But that doesn't mean the day doesn't make for a fun culture lesson for the kids. So everyone, if you're the picture-taking type tonight, would you be so kind as to send some copies my way? Post them here or email them to diamond@subtend.net. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Family Lore--Swimming Pool Stories

Too bad I don't have a digital photo of the pool to post with this note. But Greg's posting on "Greg And Sam's Adventures" yesterday brought 2 e-mail remembrances of famous tales--one note from Kitty Mum and one from Beth.

From the beginning: Greg's post on June 6

Only in Japan

Every school in this country has a concrete-lined outdoor pool. I don't know why, they just do. And since they don't cover them in the winter months, they're always foul when it comes time to use them in the summer. Ergo, I just spent all afternoon (Wednesday afternoon!) cleaning the pool with the PTA. It's now a sparkling blue. Can you picture this happening back home?

Kitty Mum's e-mail reply:
Yes. Greg. I did scrub and paint the pool; each year at the farm. No wonder I have an aching back. But I loved doing stuff like that. Now you really do know I'm strange. There was a drop box for the spring water to go through before it hit the pool; and that box had quite a collection of live stock in it after a winter of hibernation. I'd try to empty so all the drek wouldn't go into the pool. Using a siphon for that purpose. One year I inhaled too powerfully to ge the flow started and I got a good sixed, live frog in my mouth. UGH!

...and Beth's contribution:
Hello--mother you are doing a great job keeping up and communicating! I also remember a bleached frog from over-vigorous application of cleansing chemicals....hope that wasn't the one you later slurped!!
Greg--welcome to the club--does this mean you will soon be swimming in the pool?
love to all...Beth

And there we have it. Another great story for the family history. Love to All!!!!!!!

Monday, May 15, 2006


I told my father this story and promised to write it up some weeks ago.

Last term, I was teaching the first grade the English terms for family members. Many Japanese households - especially in rural areas like this one - contain grandparents and the occasional aunt and/or uncle, in addition to the nuclear family common in America. So while in another country I may have let the seven year-olds off with only having to learn "father, mother, (younger/older) sister and (younger/older) brother" that day, I tacked grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins onto this particular lesson. Now, some of you may recall that I asked for many of your photographs a few months ago. That request was to help out with this very lesson. Thank you all again for your responses, your pictures were of great aid to a classroom full of visual learners.

So anyway, after we'd covered parents, siblings, and grandparents, here I was holding this picture...

... before this group of kids...

... and loudly repeating the word "uncle!"

Now at the time I had heard once or twice before, but could not recall, that the Japanese word for "pile of turds" is unko, pronounced oohn-koh. The Japanese have a difficult time distinguishing betweem vowels like the "u" in "uncle" and their う, which sounds more like "ooh". Additionally, they don't have the consonant "l", and every syllable ends in a vowel (or occasionally "n"), so by the time the kids were done mangling the world "uncle", it did unfortunately sound a bit like unko, which they thought was hilarious. So there I was, fairly red in the face, as 9 first-graders essentially screamed "turd! turd!" at a picture of Fran.

I'm sorry, Peanut.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saturday, May 13---Erica's Day

A bit of a challenge to keep all the graduations straight. Today is Saturday, May 13, and this is Erica's day to bask in the glow of success. Congratulations, Erica!!

I guess we should be grateful to Mary and Susan for graduating from the same school on the same date. One less variable in this busy time for the McCarthy Clan.

Again, our deepest love to Erica and congratulations on the completion of a lot of hard work!

Maureen, Jim, Kate, Greg and Samantha

Friday, May 05, 2006

3 Cheers For Greg!!

Just in time for this year's graduation season---Greg's diploma arrived in today's mail. Congratulations, Greg!!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Kate's Graduation

I just paid for my flight (in cash - silly Japanese companies don't take credit cards) today. Here's my flight info:

5月19日(金)17:15発 東京(成田) (Depart Narita)
5月19日(金)16:40着 トロント (Land in Toronto)
5月19日(金)18:55発 トロント (Leave Toronto)
5月19日(金)20:25着 ボストン (Land in Boston)

5月22日(月)09:25発 ボストン (Depart Boston)
5月22日(月)11:05着 トロント (Toronto, Part 1)
5月22日(月)13:30発 トロント (Toronto, Part1)
5月23日(火)15:55着 東京(成田) (Land in Narita)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Happy 88, Kitty Mum!!

I know this photo was posted not too long ago---I guess I need more Kitty Mum photos when I'm in Reading next month! This was birthday 86, 2 years ago, at Mary Anne's lovely table.

Happy Birthday from all of us, I'm sure, to Kitty Mum. The most beloved matriarch I know.


Saturday, April 08, 2006

Cleo (July 1992 to April 2006)---May She Rest In Peace!

As many of you know, we had to put Cleo to sleep on Tuesday, April 4. It was clear she was glad to see us as we returned from our wonderful visit with Greg and Samantha; but it was also clear she was in a lot of pain and had declined significantly in the 2 weeks we were gone.

The first photo below is from Fall 2003, I think, in our back yard in McMinnville after Jim and I had finished some landscaping prior to putting it on the market. In the second photo, Cleo is modeling Uncle Fran's glasses during the week surrounding Greg and Sam's wedding.

She brought us SO many smiles, so many stories. The vet's office sent us a nice card, saying "The kindest decisions are often the most difficult to make." How true!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Snow in MA

From Kathleen, via my mother. Even more inundated than our place was a few weeks ago. Except here it was apparently an 8-year event.

Wayland. Wow, that's snowy. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A few photos from Oregon and other parts....

Here ... I sure hope things stay the way I formatted them, but if they don't you will all have fun matching descriptions with photos. Love, Maureen

I decided to start with this photo. Joe and Jim, age 6, I am told. Which is which?

Family photo circa Fall 2003?? Greg had returned from Germany and we were showing off the great wall of Diamond in our back yard in McMinnville.

this, of course, is Reidar, his Mom, Kirsten, and Greg in the Jensen's home, December 2003. Greg's last holiday trip East for a while! 5 months later, Reidar was Greg's best man. Sorry if it is too dark.

Chronologically, this should be earlier. Here, in June 2001, we have some Frewens---Pat Frewen Brown and Peter Frewen, and Peter's daughter, Lydia. This was the memorial for Margaret at Hebron Academy.

I believe this was Dad's 80th birthday in his dining room on Old Wyomissing Road. Happily, Jim and I were there. I think Kate may have been housesitting and working in Oregon.

Here is a reminder that Jim did play a Colonel in Gilbert and Sullivan's Patience in Portland, June 2004.

Above, my notes tell me, is Kitty Mum's birthday. Seated at Michael's dining room table. Lipstick looks good, nails are nicely done. I guess she'll pass.

I included this one because I think we get a better look at the Old Girl's face. No nail polish this time. Oh well.
Hey everybody, I've got two quick things.

First, just a reminder that anybody who doesn't already have an account to post to the blog, and wants one, should email me or my dad and we'll get blogger to send an invitation email your way.

Second, my first-graders (1年生) are doing a unit on families in english class, starting next week, and I'd like as many pictures of all of you as possible. It's a classroom of seven year-olds, they don't react well to me just writing things on the board, but they'll pay attention to anything that's illustrated. If you can help me out here, just post your pictures here, or again, email me.

Monday, January 16, 2006

More News From Kitty Mum

What the heck! I know many of us have read this already, but for those who aren't on Kitty Mum's distribution list, here's her latest summary...

A hell of a lot of wind, falling temperatures and snowy weather in this area. No snow here, but David's area got hit with some as well as winds that wrecked houses when bihg trees fell opn them. Mike and mary Anne had some siding ripped off their house, Fortunately, Ronald Houck came to their rescue. He took along some samples of the siding and I guess it'll be put to rights very soon. He and his father kept the farm from falling apart. Wonderful people!
By this time Kathy and David should have their house restored after the traumatic experience of repairing bedroom closets thaty never were adequate. What a trumph when things are functional again.
The Alts new lumber mill building is now complete. witha great stove to kleep it comfortable.
The Zapatas are forging ahead. Isabela's day center is back in business. And she is busy practicing her dancing at home. She seems to be interested inthe acrobatic aspect of performing, rather then following rote instruction.
Susan is safe back at ND. Socrates was very helpful in explaing the way her mediation works. Sort of a delayed reaction of a few weeks until the patient benefits' GOD BLESS AND LUV MUTTI

Monday, January 02, 2006

Good-bye 2005. Hello 2006....

Kathleen sent some lovely photos that she wants to share. We have to keep up with those camera-happy folks in Japan. I'll try to do justice to Kathleen and David's pictures!

This is the gathering that occurred when Mary Katharine was in Boston for her presentation. Kathleen took Kate, Mary Katharine (with long hair---did it get trimmed between this photo and the next??), Betsy, Tom, and a beautiful Bradford cousin. Betsy arranged this lunch at an Indian restaurant. Kathleen was the photographer.

And you know these folks. The Misty Laners, as Kitty Mum would say, with Aunt Kathleen in that dining room we all know so well. The site of many gatherings over the years. More happy gatherings to come, we all pray. Well, has Mary Katharine had her hair trimmed? I think so; it looks nice.

Love, Maureen

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year From Kitty Mum

I think Kitty Mum's most recent e-mail should go here to remind us all of comings and goings, as she says....

"Butzi and Jim called last evening. Safe home from Istanbul. No new snow in NH, and everything seemed to be working. They were very tired!Tomorrow Mike and Mary Anne and the rest will be back on Misty Lane. One last reunion with the Langs this morning. For Mass at St. Zephhyrin's; and brunch at Kathy's house. She and David weathered the holidays well. Betsy took her crew to visit her office as well as where she hangs her hat at the moment.mPretty soon Mary and Susan will be in the work force. I hope they may be able to work in the Boston area, and fulfill a wish for all the sisters to live together ij Boston. Keep praying..
In about a week the Zapatas will be home in Jefferson Heights. Amy will resume work and Hilda will be with them for a hit to ease along the transition in that household.
Reenie and Jim will still have Kate at home for a little longer. Their house has nnot been hit by the flooded conditions, and they're glad that this house is more elevated than the McMinnville property.
David and Yachai are well. In a few weeks it'll be moving day for Michael. Andy will finish this year at home, prepping for LSATs./ I'm exhausted just thinking about all the toing and froing. GOD BLESS AND LUV MUTTI"

Yes, Indeed. God Bless and Luv to all. Maureen, Jim and Kate