Saturday, September 29, 2007

Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day in Oregon

Maureen and I spent a lovely afternoon taking a hike through Tryon Creek State Park, followed by a leisurely brunch on the deck, then an afternoon of reading, sipping champagne, and listening to some lovely Beethoven. It was nearly perfect - distance from the rest of you was the only cloud in the sky.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

News From Michael Timothy

Dear All,

Here is Michael's note of today--just to keep "The McCarthy Clan" up-to-date:
Hi all, a brief update from Philadelphia:  Jessie and
I have returned home after a weekend "down the shore",
as the local phrase goes, in Cape May, NJ. Just
before we left I proposed to her and she accepted, so
we're engaged! I'll let you all know when we've
picked a date for the wedding.

Congratulations to Jessie and Michael!! Love to all, Maureen