Thursday, July 06, 2006

Stretching Things for July 4

OK. These are "summer pictures", not really July 4. And they are from summers past. But I hope they might be interesting.

This was a picnic, celebration 2 years ago to dedicate a Holocaust memorial near the Rose Garden in Portland. Jim was part of a small group of singers on the occasion.

This is a colonial house near Uncle Michael's which I took probably 2 years ago to send to you for an earlier request for photos of US homes. Perhaps I sent it earlier. It seems like a good July 4 photo, though...?

This is the porch at Yellow House, another good July 4 destination. This was 1 year ago and the occasion was PopPop's birthday, an extended celebration. There was also cake, etc, at Old Wyomissing Rd.
And this is you know who also about 1 year ago. We drove Dad to see the rapids on the Lehigh River (I hope I have that right). Something I never knew existed in Penna. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th everybody

For some reason it's not a holiday out here in the Tokyo suburbs. Go figure. But that doesn't mean the day doesn't make for a fun culture lesson for the kids. So everyone, if you're the picture-taking type tonight, would you be so kind as to send some copies my way? Post them here or email them to Thanks.